View all Thank You verses

1 Thank you verse

The family of the late
(Name Of Deceased)

Thank you most sincerely for
your kind expression of
sympathy in their recent bereavement.

2 Thank you verse

The family of the late
(Name of Deceased)

Wish to thank you for the expressions
of sympathy and kindness
you have shown during this difficult time.

We are truly grateful for your love and support.

3 Thank you verse

The family of the late
(Name of Deceased)

Thank you most sincerely for
your kind expression of
sympathy in their recent bereavement.

Your gentle sympathy and kindness
will be remembered
with great affection and gratitude.

4 Thank you verse

The family of the late
(Name of Deceased)

Deeply appreciate and will always hold
in grateful remembrance your kind expression
of sympathy in their recent bereavement.

5 Thank you verse

During a time like this
we realize how much
our family and friends mean to us.
Your kind expression of
sympathy will always be remembered by

The family of the late
(Name of Deceased)

6 Thank you verse

The family of the late
(Name of Deceased)

Wish to return their grateful
thanks for your kind expressions of sympathy
in their recent bereavement.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
has been offered for your intentions.